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Welcome to

The Realest


about me

Welcome to my site, The Realest MD! I decided to create this site for a number of reasons. One was to share my thoughts on various topics, most importantly the COVID pandemic and my experience being on the front-lines when NYC was the epicenter of the outbreak in the US. In addition, other social media sites began censoring true information as misinformation, which was extremely frustrating.

Drive-through Coronavirus Testing


My thoughts about covid-19 as a physician

"COVID-19 is unlike any disease we have EVER encountered. Some may compare it to the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, and in terms of scope and world impact, that would not be inaccurate. But what is most unique - and terrifying - about this disease is how dramatically it impacts multiple systems within the body. The lungs, heart, brain, skin, and blood represent only some parts of the body that can be greatly impacted by this disease. 


We are improving our understanding of the disease's short term impact on the human body and have expanded our treatment modalities to hopefully improve mortality. We have a nation that is still politicizing social responsibility, though the majority wear masks. But we will have to truly understand the long-term consequences this disease will bring, as some continue to suffer from its ailments even months later. 


I am here to try and educate the best I can regarding the topic, which I started back in March 2020 while blogging daily on Facebook. I experienced COVID like few others while working as an intensivist in the COVID ICUs in New York City, the first epicenter in the US. So I hope you find this educational and worth your time. Thank you."

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